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Golf Carts on the Belize Islands

AmbGolfCartsIf you’ve yet to make your first trip to one of the main tourist islands off Belize, this might be a little hard to picture, but on Ambergris Caye and Caye Caulker, there are very few paved streets, and golf carts rule the road. It’s more true on the much-smaller Caye Caulker, but in both cases there are very few conventional cars to be seen anywhere.

So taxis on the islands are almost all 4-seat golf carts, and renting them is possible and popular on both as well, although the benefits of doing that are far greater on Ambergris Caye than they are on Caulker.

Golf cart rentals on Caye Caulker

There are a few small outfits that rent the carts to visitors on an hourly or daily basis, but none of them appear to have an official website. This is also true of half the things on Caye Caulker, which is one of the reasons the place is hard to get a handle on before you arrive. Golf cart taxis will take you anywhere on Caye Caulker for US$3, and the longest rides to either the Cut in the north or the Odyssey Resort past the airstrip in the south only take 5 minutes or so. If you rent a golf cart on Caye Caulker you can literally see the entire island in about 30 minutes. People might think you are lazy, but if you’ve got a group of 3 or 4 people who want to check out a few different restaurants (or bars if there’s a designated driver) they can be really fun and efficient.

Golf cart rentals on Ambergris Caye

AmbCayegolfBeachCartsBelize has two locations in San Pedro town. One is a short walk west of the main Water Taxi pier, and the other is about a mile south of that at the Xanadu Island Resort.

Some places rent both gas and electric golf carts, which are good for different things. The electric carts are obviously more quiet and peaceful and perfectly suited to cruising between your distant hotel and the center of San Pedro. Gas carts have a much longer range, so anyone considering seeing parts of Ambergris Caye to the north or south of the main tourist center should definitely choose a gas cart.

Full instructions will be available when you are about to rent a cart, but it’s interesting to note that there are certain parts of the caye that have paths along the beach and other sections where you have to drive inland.


These are for CartsBelize, but other places have similar prices so these are a good guide.

  • 2 hours – US$27.50 including insurance and tax, but not including gas
  • 4 hours – US$41.80
  • 8 hours – US$47.30
  • 24 hours – US$71.50

They also have rates for up to a month on the CartsBelize rate page.

(Just don’t bother looking for a golf course because there isn’t one…yet)